Slate, Edit Text Widget, Custom Rendering & Any TrueTypeFont

From Epic Wiki


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In this tutorial I am showing you how to make an Edit Text widget so you can allow users to enter any kind of input while in-game!

Special features of my code:

  • Set the default font of the Edit Text to use any True Type Font that you prefer!
  • Easy function to change what True Type Font is being used, during runtime.
  • Completely customize the actual display of the text that the user is entering, using any alternative text rendering setup that you prefer.
  • Easy way to show / hide the Edit Text caret (the blinking vertical bar)
  • Copy / Paste text to and from the OS clipboard!


Display Edit Text Contents Any Way You Want

In my game I did not want to show the Edit Text caret or the actual text , because you cant use shadowing currently with SEditableText.

I found a way to completely hide the SEditableText widget and pass the contents to a different display widget that had the visual rendering options that I wanted.

You can use the same logic I am using in this example to display the SEditableText contents in any way that you like!

I have comments in the code for how you can actually enable the Edit Text caret, and display the Edit Text.

Use Any True Type Font

You can use any True Type Font you want with my Edit Text CodeĀ !

I set up the HUD class so that you can use your HUD BP to enter a path for .ttf files!

 Obtain .ttf files from windows/fonts by copying themĀ :)

Move them into your Content directory, into some subfolder structure, and write out that folder structure in the HUD BP!

I also wrote a function for you to easily change the font of the Edit Text during runtime, using a new .ttf!





// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "SVictoryEditText.h"

#include "YourHUD.generated.h"

class AYourHUD : public AHUD
	/** Default True Type Font. This should be the path off of Content that leads to your chosen TTF. Copy paste .ttf files from Windows/Fonts. Path should not include "Content".  Ex: "TTF/comicbd.ttf" */
	UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category=VictoryChat)
	FString ChatFontTTF;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=VictoryChat)
	int32 ChatInputFontSize;
	/** Set a new .ttf for chat text! This should be the path off of Content that leads to your chosen TTF. Copy paste .ttf files from Windows/Fonts. Path should not include "Content".  Ex: "TTF/comicbd.ttf" */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category=VictoryChat)
	void SetChatFont(FString NewFontPath);
//Slate Core
	TSharedPtr<class SVictoryEditText> VictoryChat;
	void JoyInit_VictoryChat();
	//Draw HUD
	virtual void DrawHUD() OVERRIDE;


//VictoryHUD extension by Rama

#include "VictoryGame.h"

#define VICTORY_ALLOW_TICK if(!GEngine) return; if(!GEngine->GameViewport) return;

AYourHUD::AYourHUD(const class FObjectInitializer& PCIP) : Super(PCIP)
	ChatFontTTF = "TTF/comicbd.ttf";
	ChatInputFontSize = 24;

// Joy Init Victory Chat

void AYourHUD::JoyInit_VictoryChat()
	if ( ! VictoryChat.IsValid() ) return;
	//Cursor						//No cursor!
	//Capture User Input immediately upon Creation

//  Set Font
void AYourHUD::SetChatFont(FString NewFontPath)
	if ( ! VictoryChat.IsValid() ) 			return;
	if( ! VictoryChat->ChatDisplay.IsValid()) 	return;
	if( ! VictoryChat->ChatInput.IsValid()) 	return;
	//Get Font from TTF Path
	const FString ChatInputFont = FString( FPaths::GameContentDir() / *NewFontPath );
	//Create Font Info
	FSlateFontInfo NewFontInfo(ChatInputFont,ChatInputFontSize);
	//Show / Hide Edit Caret
	FSlateFontInfo CaretSize = NewFontInfo;
	CaretSize.Size = 0;		//set to 1 to show caret.
	//Set !
	VictoryChat->ChatInput->SetFont(CaretSize); //invisible input, just Caret
	VictoryChat->ChatDisplay->SetFont(NewFontInfo);		//Display Text

// Draw HUD
void AYourHUD::DrawHUD()
	//~~~ Recreate Chat As Needed ~~~
        // Thank you Wraiyth for this code structure!
	if ( !VictoryChat.IsValid() )

          if ( VictoryChat.IsValid() )
	    //~~~ Joy Init ~~~



#pragma once

#include "Slate.h"

//~~~ Forward Declarations ~~~
class AYourHUD;

class SVictoryEditText : public SCompoundWidget
//Slate Init
	SLATE_BEGIN_ARGS(SVictoryEditText) : _JoyHUD() //, _bKeepVisible(false)
//  HUD
	//HUD that owns this
	TWeakObjectPtr<class AYourHUD> JoyHUD;
	//The edit text widget. 
	TSharedPtr< SEditableText > ChatInput;

        //How the Edit Text is actually displayed
	TSharedPtr< STextBlock > ChatDisplay;
//  Chat Visibility
	void SetShowChat(bool MakeVisible);
//  Copy/Paste Text 
	FORCEINLINE void CopyToClipboard()
	FORCEINLINE void PasteFromClipboard()
			ChatInput->PasteTextFromClipboard() ;

// Chat Text Entry 
	//Set Slate UI Mode, Capture User Keyboard Input
	void SetSlateUIMode(bool EnterSlateUI);
	//Delegate called when the text is commited.
	// @param	InText			The committed text.
	// @Param	InCommitInfo	The type of commit (eg. Pressed enter, changed focus) 
	void OnChatTextCommitted(const FText& InText, ETextCommit::Type InCommitInfo);
	//	     Text Changed Delegate!
	void OnChatTextChanged(const FText& InText);

//  Base Input
	//~~~ Keyboard Focused ~~~ 
	virtual FReply OnKeyboardFocusReceived( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyboardFocusEvent& InKeyboardFocusEvent ) OVERRIDE;
	//~~~ Key Down  ~~~  		
	virtual FReply OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyboardEvent& InKeyboardEvent ) OVERRIDE;
	//~~~ Mouse Down  ~~~
	virtual FReply OnMouseButtonDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent ) OVERRIDE;

//Slate Base
	void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
	//As Widget
	TSharedRef<class SWidget> AsWidget();
	//~~~ Tick ~~~ 
	void Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime);


#include "VictoryGame.h"
#include "SVictoryEditText.h"

void SVictoryEditText::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
  JoyHUD = InArgs._JoyHUD;
  //  Being Slate Construct Block
	+ SOverlay::Slot()
		//~~~ Chat Input ~~~
		SAssignNew(ChatInput, SEditableText)
		//Function to call when text is entered
		.OnTextCommitted(this, &SVictoryEditText::OnChatTextCommitted)

                //Function to call when text is changed
		.OnTextChanged(this, &SVictoryEditText::OnChatTextChanged)

		//Stay and possibly enter multiple lines
		.Font(FSlateFontInfo(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 24))
		.ColorAndOpacity(FLinearColor(1,0,1,0))    //<~~~
		//Chat input itself is hidden, display used instead
		//		for the shadowing, and as a demonstration
		//		of accessing the input text and displaying it elsewhere
		//			See Tick Function
	+ SOverlay::Slot()
		SAssignNew(ChatDisplay, STextBlock)
		.Font(FSlateFontInfo(FPaths::EngineContentDir() / TEXT("Slate/Fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf"), 24))
		.ShadowOffset(FIntPoint(-2, 2))
  ]; //End Slate Construct Block

//  Base 
TSharedRef<SWidget> SVictoryEditText::AsWidget()
	return SharedThis(this);

// Base Input
//Keyboard Focussed
FReply SVictoryEditText::OnKeyboardFocusReceived( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyboardFocusEvent& InKeyboardFocusEvent )
	//Lock Mouse To Edit
	return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture().ReleaseJoystickCapture().LockMouseToWidget( SharedThis( this ) );

//~~~ Key Down ~~~
FReply SVictoryEditText::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyboardEvent& InKeyboardEvent )
	//Get Key Pressed
	const FKey VKey = InKeyboardEvent.GetKey();
	//ESC Pressed
	if(VKey == EKeys::Escape)
		return FReply::Handled();

		if( ! ChatInput.IsValid()) return FReply::Handled();
		//CTRL + V = Paste
		if(VKey == EKeys::V)
		//CTRL + C = Copy
		if(VKey == EKeys::C)
			//Copy All
			//or you can use the highlighting of text method
	return FReply::Handled();
//~~~ Mouse Down  ~~~
FReply SVictoryEditText::OnMouseButtonDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	//Get Key Pressed
	const FKey VKey = MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton();
	//LMB Pressed
	if(VKey == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Handled();

//   Show Chat
void SVictoryEditText::SetShowChat(bool MakeVisible)
	TAttribute<EVisibility> NewVisibility;
		NewVisibility = EVisibility::Visible;
		SetVisibility(				NewVisibility);
		ChatInput->SetVisibility(		NewVisibility);
		ChatDisplay->SetVisibility(		NewVisibility);
		NewVisibility = EVisibility::Hidden;
		SetVisibility(				NewVisibility);
		ChatInput->SetVisibility(		NewVisibility);
		ChatDisplay->SetVisibility(		NewVisibility);

// Chat Text Entered
void SVictoryEditText::OnChatTextCommitted(const FText& InText, ETextCommit::Type InCommitInfo)
	if (InCommitInfo == ETextCommit::OnEnter)
		if ( !InText.IsEmpty() )
				// Add the string so we see it too (we will ignore our own strings in the receive function)
				//AddChatLine( InText.ToString() );

				// Clear the text
		//Exit properly! Hides mouse and restores Viewport control
// Chat Text Changed
void SVictoryEditText::OnChatTextChanged(const FText& InText)
	if( ! ChatDisplay.IsValid()) 	return;
	if( ! ChatInput.IsValid()) 		return;
	//~~~ Update The Chat Display! ~~~
	ChatDisplay->SetText(ChatInput->GetText().ToString() + FString(" ")); 
	//single space to fix letter clipping, not sure why its clipping.
//  Slate UI Mode
void SVictoryEditText::SetSlateUIMode(bool EnterSlateUI)
		// Enter UI mode
		FSlateApplication::Get().SetKeyboardFocus( SharedThis(this) );

		if (ChatInput.IsValid())
		  FWidgetPath WidgetToFocusPath;
		  bool bFoundPath = FSlateApplication::Get().FindPathToWidget(FSlateApplication::Get().GetInteractiveTopLevelWindows(), ChatInput.ToSharedRef(), WidgetToFocusPath);
		  if (bFoundPath && WidgetToFocusPath.IsValid())
			FSlateApplication::Get().SetKeyboardFocus(WidgetToFocusPath, EKeyboardFocusCause::SetDirectly);
	  // Exit UI mode
//	Tick
void SVictoryEditText::Tick(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime)
	// Always tick the super.
	SCompoundWidget::Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime);

Code Excerpts

Copy Paste to OS Clipboard

//Ctrl is Down
	if( ! ChatInput.IsValid()) return FReply::Handled();
	//CTRL + V = Paste
	if(VKey == EKeys::V)
	//CTRL + C = Copy
	if(VKey == EKeys::C)
		//Copy All
		//or you can use the highlighting of text method

Toggling User Input to/from Victory Edit Text

void SVictoryEditText::SetSlateUIMode(bool EnterSlateUI)
		// Enter UI mode
		FSlateApplication::Get().SetKeyboardFocus( SharedThis(this) );

		if (ChatInput.IsValid())
			FWidgetPath WidgetToFocusPath;
			bool bFoundPath = FSlateApplication::Get().FindPathToWidget(ChatInput.ToSharedRef(), WidgetToFocusPath);
			if (bFoundPath && WidgetToFocusPath.IsValid())
				FSlateApplication::Get().SetKeyboardFocus(WidgetToFocusPath, EKeyboardFocusCause::SetDirectly);
		// Exit UI mode

Capturing User Input

Key Presses

I check if the user presses the ESC key to cancel out of Edit Text Mode, restoring input to the main Game Viewport

FReply SVictoryEditText::OnKeyDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyboardEvent& InKeyboardEvent )
	//Get Key Pressed
	const FKey VKey = InKeyboardEvent.GetKey();
	//ESC Pressed
	if(VKey == EKeys::Escape)
		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Handled();

Mouse Input

For my game I want the Edit Text Mode to end if the user presses LMB.

You can capture other mouse buttons and movement as well!

FReply SVictoryEditText::OnMouseButtonDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	//Get Key Pressed
	const FKey VKey = MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton();
	//LMB Pressed
	if(VKey == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		return FReply::Handled();
	return FReply::Handled();

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