Locked Door Blueprint Tutorial

From Epic Wiki


Tim - Ninjacupcake Indie Studio


In this tutorial I will walk you through setting up a hinged door that is lockable. I will also walk you through creating a key card that will unlock this door.

This tutorial is aimed at beginners who have a small understanding of Unreal Engine Blueprints.


You must have a registered account at http://www.unrealengine.com and download the latest Unreal Engine with starter content to successfully utilise these blueprints in the tutorial.

I use Unreal Engine 4.11 for this tutorial, but it should be able to be used in any recent version of UE.


<youtube> https://youtu.be/NdrCBHh0YYk


After the above steps, you should now be able to set up not only a locked door and key card, but also a standard door too!

I hope this has been a useful tutorial, and good luck on your venture.