Landscape - Sizes and Height Guide

From Epic Wiki

This is an integration to basic documentation for Unreal Landscape tool. After reading this document, you'll be able to obtain the exact size and vertex/meter resolution you need for your landscape,
edit it and get the height you need for your mountains and hills.

Let's get started!

Landscape basics

A landscape is a subdivided plane with a density of 1 vertex per meter.
At Z Scale = 100 it has an height range limit of -256m:256.
If you understand these basic rules, you can get any size at any resolution with height extensions needed.

Changing your size and height extensions

If you need a 2km wide landscape, but you think that a resolution of 1 vertex/ 2 meters is more than enough,
and you want your mountains/hills to be 512 m tall, you can go like this:

  1. create a new landscape with 1009x1009 resolution (as usual, refer to Landscape recommended size )
  2. set X scale to 200.
  3. now your landscape will be not centered anymore: if you want it to be in center of the scene, you must adjust x and y location. you doubled the size of the landscape, so now it has an extent of 1009*2 = 2018 m = 201800 cm(UE units) divide it by two (201800/2 = 100900) and insert them in x and y position of your Landscape actor with a MINUS sign.
  4. basic height extent is 256 at Z scale = 100, so to have it extended to 512, you must multiply Z scale by 2. So set Z scale = 200.
  5. edit your landscape freely