Get Available Screen Resolutions in Blueprints
The following Blueprint Node is based on the function provided by Rama, see . The provided function has the limitation that you cannot use it in your own Blueprint Library. The reason is because the FScreenResolutionRHI Type is not a BlueprintType. As I required such a function for my options UMG widget I wrote it, tested it and decided to share it.
The following code is meant to be included in your own Blueprint Library. If you do not know how to make a Blueprint Library I recommend you read
Header File
First you declare the new FScreenResolutionRHI type. As mentioned in the comments it is not an exact duplicate of FScreenResolutionRHI. The reason is that when I used uint32 I was not able to use break or make nodes. My guess is that the Blueprint's Integer Type is defined as int32 in c++ and thus is not compatible with uint32. If someone can confirm this feel free to do.
* Screen Resolution
* @remark Engine type is not meant for blueprints so we replicate the type.
* @remark The Engine type uses uint32 but we need to use int32. Otherwise it won't be possible to break/make this type.
struct FScreenResolutionRHIBP
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = ScreenResolution)
int32 Width;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = ScreenResolution)
int32 Height;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = ScreenResolution)
int32 RefreshRate;
Width = Height = RefreshRate = 0;
* Retrieve a sorted list of all screen resolutions supported by the player's display adapter.
* @returns the array of all supported screen resolutions.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = Utility)
static TArray<struct FScreenResolutionRHIBP> GetDisplayAdapterScreenResolutions();
Cpp File
#include "RHI.h"
TArray<FScreenResolutionRHIBP> YourBlueprintLibrary::GetDisplayAdapterScreenResolutions()
TArray<FScreenResolutionRHIBP> ResolutionsToReturn;
FScreenResolutionArray Resolutions;
if (RHIGetAvailableResolutions(Resolutions, false))
// Preallocate just enough memory to store all elements
for (const FScreenResolutionRHI& EachResolution : Resolutions)
FScreenResolutionRHIBP resolution;
resolution.Width = EachResolution.Width;
resolution.Height = EachResolution.Height;
resolution.RefreshRate = EachResolution.RefreshRate;
return ResolutionsToReturn;
-- ( ) 13:27, 18 January 2015 (UTC)