Beginning C++ with Unreal Engine 4
This series will teach you the language that is C++. We will be utilizing Unreal Engine 4's API and we will try to stay away from the STL (standard template library) as much as we can. You can watch these tutorials with some to no programming knowledge, you can use the series to familiarize yourself with the UE4 API, and use it to refresh yourself. BUT! Be warned to those who are watching this series with some programming or some C++ knowledge you may find these a little bit slow moving as they are more directed towards people with zero C++ knowledge and little to no programming knowledge. That doesn't mean there isn't good information within!
- 1 Video Playlist
- 2 Video 1 - Entry Point
- 3 Video 2 - Directives
- 4 Video 3 - Basic Classes and Object Orientation
- 5 Video 4 - Naming Conventions and Common Data Type
- 6 Video 5 - Basic Methods and Functions
- 7 Video 6 - Parameters and Proper Method/Function Comments
- 8 Video 7 - Output Log
- 9 Video 8 - Pointers
- 10 Video 9 - Structures, Multiple Returns, and Passing By Reference
- 11 Video 10 - Recursive Functions
Video Playlist

Video 1 - Entry Point
Entry Point
In this video you will learn where the entry point to c++ in ue4 is and how to get started programming. <youtube>( )
Video 2 - Directives
In this video you will learn what directives are and how to use them. <youtube>( )
Video 3 - Basic Classes and Object Orientation
Basic Classes and Object Orientation
In this video you will learn about basic classes and what object orientation is and how to write simple classes. <youtube>( )
Video 4 - Naming Conventions and Common Data Type
Naming Conventions and Common Data Type
In this video you will learn what naming convections ue4 uses and what the common data types to use with ue4 are. <youtube>( )
Video 5 - Basic Methods and Functions
Basic Methods and Functions
In this video you will learn what methods are and what functions are and how to write them both. <youtube>( )
Video 6 - Parameters and Proper Method/Function Comments
Parameters and Proper Method/Function Comments
In this video you will learn what a parameter is and how to write proper method and function comments. <youtube>( )
Video 7 - Output Log
Output Log
In this video you will learn how to log out messages to the output window within the ue4 editor. <youtube>( )
Video 8 - Pointers
In this video you will learn what pointers are and how to use them. <youtube>( )
Video 9 - Structures, Multiple Returns, and Passing By Reference
Structures, Multiple Returns, and Passing By Reference
In this video you will learn what structures are and how you can use them to return multiple values from a function or method, also you will learn what passing by reference is and how to use it.
<youtube>( )
Video 10 - Recursive Functions
Recursive Functions
In this video you will learn what recursive functions are and how you can use it to call a function within itself. We used factorials as an example.
<youtube>( )