Assets Naming Convention

From Epic Wiki


This article contains ideas for assets naming convention and content folders structure.


1. All names in English .
2. All asset dependencies should be in its folder (instead of some shared assets).

Assets folders


Content\Maps parent maps folder
............ Maps\Episode(_Number) game episodes, where (_Number) is 01, 02, 03, etc
............ Maps\TestMaps test maps, maps prototypes and other levels not for production


Content\Base basic materials, material functions and other “foundation” assets
Content\Characters folder for characters
............ Characters\NPC NPCs
............ Characters\Player player character(s)
Content\Dev development assets, like objects icons, special meshes and textures, etc
Content\Effects various shared effects
Content\Environment environment assets
............ Environment\Background backgrounds
............ Environment\Buildings buildings (simple or procedural)
............ Environment\Foliage foliage
............ Environment\Props various props
............ Environment\Sky skies
............ Environment\Landscape terrains assets
............ Environment\Water water meshes and materials
Content\Gameplay assets for various gameplay purposes
Content\PostProcess post process chains and it’s assets
Content\Sound sounds and sound cues
Content\UI UI assets
Content\Vehicles vehicles with effects
Content\Weapons weapons with effects

Folders by categories

Blueprints blueprints
Meshes static and skeletal meshes, physical assets
Materials materials and instances
Textures textures
Animations animations
Particles particle systems
LensFlares flares
Sounds sounds + cues
Morphs morphs
FaceFX FaceFX assets

Assets names



Prefixes: (optional because of filters in content browser)

(by usage)

CH_ Characters
UI_ User Interface
VH_ Vehicles
WP_ Weapons

(by type)

BP_ Blueprint
SK_ Skeletal Mesh
SM_ Static Mesh
AD_ Apex Destructible Asset
AC_ Apex Cloth Asset
MT_ Morph Target
ST_ Speed Tree
PS_ Particle System
LF_ Lens Flare
VF_ Vector Field
S_ Sound
SC_ Sound Cue
M_ Material
MI_ Material Instance
MITV_ Material Instance Time Varying
MF_ Material Function
MPC_ Material Parameter Collection
T_ Texture
SP_ Sprite
SS_ Sprite Sheet
TC_ Texture Cube
RT_ Render Target
PM_ Physical Material



_BC Base color
_MT Metallic
_S Specular
_R Roughness
_N Normal
_DP Displacement
_AO Ambient Occlusion
_H Height Map
_FM Flow Map
_L Light Map (fake)
_M Mask


_Physics physics assets (generated name)
_FaceFX FaceFx assets


_BlendSpace blend space (generated name)
_AnimBlueprint animation blueprint (generated name)

Texture Masks

RGB Mask for characters:

  • R = Metallic
  • G = Roughness
  • B = Subsurface Opacity

RGB Mask for character's Hair:

  • R = Hair Alpha
  • G = Specular/Roughness map
  • B = Anisotropic direction map

RGB Mask for environment:

  • R = Metallic
  • G = Roughness
  • B = Ambient Occlusion